Thursday, May 4, 2017

Installing my Nucleus Hive of Honeybees

  1. Collected my nucleus hive of bees from Beech Mountain Beekeeping. Secured in car to make sure no bees can escape during the journey to Banner Elk.
  2. Placed nuc hive in position near the hive stand.
  3. Placed new hive on the stand, with the entrance block in place to reduce the entrance.
  4. Sprayed three empty frames with sugar water.
  5. Opened nuc hive and gently smoked the bees.
  6. Lifted out first frame of bees and placed in hive.
  7. Continued to transfer remaining frames of bees.
  8. Added one frame of foundation at front and in-between each frame of bees.
  9. Shook any bees still in the nuc hive into the new hive.
  10. Fitted crown board and the hive roof.
  11. Gave the bees a feeder full of syrup. Will continue feeding until the bees have drawn out all the frames of foundation.

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