Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Acting Class

Winson-Salem Little Theatre Acting Class Showcase

"You don't know much, do you".

The scene for the showcase was from "Man From Nebraska by Tracey Letts."

Brian Carter -- Ken Carpenter, a 57-year-old insurance agent
Angela Hodges -- Nancy Carpenter, Ken’s wife of 30 years

This showcase scene takes place the morning after Ken awakens to the fact that he no longer believes in God. Nancy stands by confused and unable to relate to her husband's emotional torment.

Learned about acting and myself. Looking forward to the next class.

Friday, October 17, 2008

SOS Fall Migration

Relaxing and enjoying the ocean view at summer's end. Even though it was September very hot at Fun Monday standing in the street listening to the Craig Willard band and visiting with friends. Had a great time dancing, sunning on the beach, and meeting old and new friends. Looking forward to the SOS Spring Migration.

Oh the Things You Can Think!

The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem presents
Seussical - the Musical

August 8-9 and 15-17, 2008

What fun to be a Who in Who-ville in this blended combo of Dr. Seuss tales. How did we hold our poses like this every night as the clover fell. Lucky for us Horton protected the Whos and we were saved.