Monday, April 16, 2012

Getting the Garden Ready to Plant!

A Poem Garden 

Author Unknown 


Perfect, round and red,

Growing in your garden bed. 


Tall and green 

With yellow corn inside, unseen.

Sweet and round,

Resting on the ground. 
String bean, 

On the vine, 

Green like this garden of mine.
Field plowed and ready to plant when the danger of frost passes.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter in the Mountains!

Growing up, Easter was always a special holiday in my family. I have many fond memories of Easter as a child. We would dye eggs and decorate them, no plastic ones back then. My brother and I always had an Easter basket filled with jellybeans, a chocolate bunny, and candy eggs. Black jelly beans were my favorite. Sometimes we had a big stuffed bunny too. We visited my Grandparents and cousins on Easter Sunday with wonderful food for dinner. Of course hiding and finding those Easter eggs with my cousins was special fun.  My Mother always made sure I had a new Easter dress, hat and shoes. The mountains can be pretty cold so a spring coat was a necessity. Thanks Mom!