Monday, January 26, 2015

Feeding the Bees

Even during a cold winter, there will be opportunities to open the beehive for a quick addition of food. My hope is to have at least one  day each month when the temperature hits near 50 degrees or above to slip some food into the hive. Last week with the temperatures in the low fifties in Banner Elk, I was able to feed the bees a pollen patty.

I buy pre-made pollen patties and store them in the freezer until I’m ready to put them in the hive.   Pollen patties usually don't contain pollen, but simulate real pollen. They are rectangular in shape, sticky, and high in protein but bees eat them like candy.

I put a pollen patty on top of the brood box frame, where the bees can get it easily.   They’ll chew the waxed paper away as they start eating the patty then remove the wax paper from the hive.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A New Year's Toast with a Horchata Margarita


This is a photo of the Horchata Margarita I had at the San Angel In Disney World in Epcot along with a recipe for this delectable drink. 

Cocktail Description:
Tequila, Horchata cream rum, Fireball Cinnamon wiskey, agua de Horchata, topped with cinnamon powder.

1.5 oz Tequila Blanco
1 oz Chila ‘Orchata Rum
.2 oz Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey
.2 oz Agave Nectar
5 oz Agua de Horchata
4 oz Ice
Dash of Cinnamon
Entrance to the San Angel Inn Restaurant

Dining at the base of Mayan ruins in a modeled after a 17th-century hacienda.